
Exercises to Increase Vertical Jump

Being able to increase your vertical jump through exercise could make your pro basketball dreams a reality. This article targets simple exercise methods that you can perform in the comfort of your own home to increase your vertical jump fast. Keep reading to get free instant access to my vertical leap program that has helped at least 2000 athletes increase their vertical leap worldwide!

There are a range of exercises that athletes can include in their vertical leap training program to increase their vertical jump. These vertical jump exercises can result in a significant improvement to vertical leap measurement which is the ultimate aim of many athletes, not exclusively basketballers.

Let's get started with some very simple exercises to increase your vertical jump today. You are only weeks away from a significant increase in your vertical jump. Let's get started, shall we?

Vertical Jump Exercise Number 1 - As with many vertical jump exercises, it is absolutely critical that you take time as an athlete to warm up to avoid injury. One of the best ways to increase vertical jump through exercise is by increasing the strength of your calf muscles. A great way to do this and to condition your body overall is to use a jump rope. To achieve greater vertical jump results then add some ankle weights to your jump rope routine. This is a very simple exercise to increase your vertical jump and it's not limited to basketballers. Boxers are avid users of jump rope training. There is, however, another method to increase your vertical jump through calf muscle strengthening.

Vertical Jump Exercise Number 2 - If you're someone who hates going up and down stairs then that's all about to change because running up and down stairs is another fantastic way to not only increase your cardio workout but to strengthen your calf muscles. Ultimately increasing the strength of your calf muscles is a major contributor to increasing your vertical jump through exercise. However, there is another vertical jump exercise that is pivotal to increasing your vertical leap, however does not result in breaking out a sweat at all.

Vertical Jump Exercise Number 3 - The vertical jump exercise I'm talking about here is simply increasing your flexibility by stretching your body. You will increase your vertical jump just by improving your flexibility. Overall body stretching and conditioning will increase your vertical jump and athletes of any fitness level are able to perform some form of vertical leap stretching exercise without too much difficulty. Of course, if you are a very fit and athletic person by nature then you can really take your vertical jump exercise program to a higher level.

Vertical Jump Exercise Number 4 - I've already explained how important your calf muscles are in giving you that strength to do a massive vertical jump. Jump ropes and running stairs are not the only exercise to increase vertical jump. Another great exercise to increase vertical jump comes from sprinting.